Services for Banks
Banks are exposed to Credit Risks as part of their operations. Corporate and Commercial credits are typically the primary revenue generators for banks. Managing these credit risks are pivotal for the banks’ profitability and sustainability of their operations, and as such exposure can be so large vis-à-vis the interest margin derived from the outstanding loans given.​
Our practical experience has given us extensive exposure to assist our Clients in the areas of:
Enhancement to the capabilities of our Client’s Front Liners, Credit Analysts and Credit Reviewers on the Credit Due Diligence methodology in compliance with Good Corporate Governance and best practices.
Enhancement to the recovery of our Client’s corporate Non-Performing Loans (Special Asset Management) in a transparent manner.
Improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness in our Client’s process of Credit functions and approvals.
Advisory service for beginning to end of Policies and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in client engagement, including the Credit Acceptance Criteria, proper due diligence on client, post-disbursement monitoring and early alert warning mechanism.
Recommending on appropriate system for risk scoring and credit analysis tools
Recommending on appropriate credit products for corporate client that match the bank’s capabilities as a means to
Enhance mitigation against client’s inherent credit risk
Improve the bank’s operational profitability
Advisory service to enhance loan recovery efficiently and effectively, which is to be done through:
Direct negotiation with client that will lead to
a partial upfront payment and loan restructuring, or
loan restructuring with an acceptable time period.
Sale of asset or collateral in a transparent manner of how to arrive at the targeted sale price, through
approved auction houses, or
internally organised closed-door auctions, or
direct sale to an approved investor.
Litigation action if all of the above-mentioned methods fail, through e.g., PKPU, bankruptcy proceeding, legal invocation of guarantees.
Credit Risk, Presentation, Selling & Negotiation Skills
Enhancement of the skill-set of the Bank’s personnel (i.e., the front-liners, the middle-office credit underwriters, the back-office credit reviewers and approvers) on proper credit due diligence in compliance with Good Corporate Governance and best practices.
All of our credit courses are customized in accordance with the client’s detailed requirements.
Part 1: Fundamental Training Courses (see attachment for detailed curricula and syllabuses), comprising
Basic Accounting (3 days)
Fundamental Credit Risk Analysis (4 days)
Consultative Selling Skill (2 days)
These courses are designed for Junior Marketing officers, Junior Business Analysts or Credit Risk Analysts with working experience in the same capacity of at least 1 year and with good Accounting knowledge where appropriate.
Part 2: Intermediate Training Courses (see attachment for detailed curricula and syllabus), comprising
Practical Lending Analysis (Intermediate Credit Risk Course - 4 days)
Effective Credit Write Up (designed for Credit Proposals written in English - 2 days)
CAMEL Analysis for banks (3 days)
Effective Business Presentation Skill (1 day)
These courses are designed for Senior Marketing officers, Branch Managers, Senior Business Analysts or Senior Credit Risk Analysts with working experience in the same capacity of at least 2 years and must possess a good working knowledge of Accounting.
Part 3: Advanced Training Workshop (see attachment for detailed syllabus), comprising
Advanced Lending Analysis (2 days)
This workshop is designed for Executive Officers of the Bank (Pejabat Eksekutif - one level below the board of directors), very Senior Officers and members of the board of directors with working experience in the same capacity of at least 4 years and must possess a good working knowledge of Accounting.